min egna dikt

Something beautiful about you

If you were my sailboat, i would be the wind pushing you through
The water surrounding you, flowing us through
For the most delicate eyelashes in the world I would give my all
And the softest lips of them all would taste like honey on my cheek
In those hands I could wrap myself in, feel safe and warm
Like a little girl playin in the fields, trying to catch the day
Softly inhaling the scent of your skin, taking me back to memories of gold
Light beams of the summersky sun, revealing you
The whole of you
Giving me that smile, million dollar smile, for which I once fell
Almost here, when in my dreams, I yearn, for you
Almost here
Too much, for the touch of your eyelashes, like a butterfly, caressing my cheek
Inhaling once again, I can almost feel you here, open my eyes
I'm alone

 © Jäz

Postat av: Johanna

Sov gott! Titta gärna in på min blogg.

2008-04-16 @ 00:06:57
URL: http://framtidstankar.blogg.se

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