japp, så e det, så e det

how come my effords ain't worth nothing? how come I ain't happy with them achieved things?
Wish I knew though... Don't you mind me, just like you never did, so go on live your life, and I'll live an lie mine
Like we always did, like we always will. Every single time, they be mine, second-handed, not putting up with it no more
just ain't worth my time for sure. Need some better, need some more, what I need can't be found anywhere near.
Ain't cleaning up the mess.. giving y'all my breath...   I'm better than this.

Och ja.. Det hjälper att lyssna på fuckin rnb.. man kan inte vara grubblande med house från högtalarna.. tyvärr.. så är det bara..

I be ahead of tha game..


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